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How to increase earnings in Google Adsense

How to increase earnings in Google Adsense .. Google Adsense is a service offered by Google to help websites monetize their content. You can use google adsense to make money from your website, blog or any online business. The best thing about google adsense is that you don’t need to have a big budget to start making money.

Adsense is a program that places advertisements on your web pages. When users visit your site they get redirected to either the Adsense page or to some other site. If someone clicks on those ads, then you get paid.

The amount of money you earn depends on how many people click on the ads.

Adsense is Google’s program that lets people earn money from their websites. You get paid if someone clicks on your ad. There are two types of AdSense accounts: standard and premium. A standard account costs $0.10 per click, while a premium account costs $0.25 per click.

The first step is to create an AdSense account at Once you have created an account, you need to add some code to your website. When visitors view your site, they’ll see links to your AdSense advertisements. Each time someone clicks on one of those links, you pay Google a small amount (usually around $0.10) for that click.

You won’t receive any payments unless your visitor actually clicks on the link. If no one visits your page, you don’t make anything.

To maximize your earnings, try using different keywords in your ad text. Also, try adding images and videos to your ads. These features may increase the number of impressions your ads receive.

Once you’ve added the code to your web pages, you’ll want to track how many visitors you’re getting. Use Google Analytics to do this. To set up your account, visit

If you use a free service like Google Webmaster Tools, you can check out your stats right from there. Otherwise, you’ll need to download a separate tool called Google Analytics.

There are two types of revenue sharing between the publisher and the advertiser; cost-per-click (CPC) and cost-per-impression (CPI). CPC means that advertisers pay only when people click on their ad. CPI means that advertisers pay only after they have been shown the ad. In order to make money using AdSense, a publisher’s site must meet certain criteria including having at least 500 unique visitors per day. If the site meets these requirements, then the publisher will receive a percentage of the total amount earned by the advertiser.

Things you need to know before you start using Google Adsense :

1. Cost Per Click

Cost-per-click (or CPA) is the amount paid by the advertiser to the publisher for every single click on the ad. This type of advertising is often referred to as Pay-Per-Click (PPC), since the payment is based on how many times the ad is clicked. A good example of PPC would be a search engine ad. When a person searches for something online, the search engine displays sponsored results along with non-sponsored results. Sponsored results are those that appear above the fold, while non-sponsored results appear below the fold. If a user clicks on a link in the sponsored result, the search engine charges the advertiser for that click.

2. Cost Per Impression

Cost-per-impression is the amount paid by an advertiser to the publisher per impression of their ad. This type of ad is often referred to as CPM or Pay-Per-View (PPV). An example of PPV would be an email ad. An advertiser pays the publisher a set price for every time their ad is sent out to potential customers.

3. Keywords

Keywords are words that users enter into search engines to find information. These keywords are what help determine if a particular ad will show up in the sponsored section or not. Ads that do not match the keywords will not show up in the sponsored results.

4. Quality Score

The quality score is a number that determines how relevant an ad is compared to a keyword. This score ranges from 1 to 10. The higher the number, the more relevant the ad is.

5. Bid Amount

Bid amounts are the prices that advertisers bid for specific keywords. The higher the bid amount, the greater chance the ad will be placed in the top position.

6. Position

Position refers to the place where an ad appears in relation to other ads. Ads that appear closer to the top of the page are considered to be more relevant than ads that appear further down the page.

How To Get Started?

1) First go to

2) Then signup for free account (it’s free)

3) Now add your website URL.

4) After adding your website URL, fill out your details.

5) Finally submit your application.

After submitting your application, wait for approval. Once approved, you can start placing ads on your website.

You may also read our article on How To Make Money From Your Blog

Increase earnings in Google Adsense :

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of increasing the number of visitors to a website by making sure its content is searchable. SEO is often confused with internet marketing, which includes email marketing, social media marketing, etc. However, SEO focuses specifically on how web pages appear in search results.

1. Keywords

Keywords are words or phrases that people type into search engines to find information online. In order to rank well in search results, websites need to have relevant keywords throughout their content. If someone were looking for a specific product, they would enter those keywords into a search engine. Websites with high-quality content and good keyword density tend to rank higher in search results than sites with low-quality content and poor keyword density.

2. Backlinks

Backlinks are links pointing back to your site. When a visitor follows a link on a page, he/she is taken to another page on your website. Backlinks help improve your search rankings by giving your website more “weight” or importance in Google’s eyes. You can get quality backlinks by writing articles and submitting them to article directories, forums, blogs, and guest posting on other websites.

3. Domain Authority

Domain authority is a score between 1 and 100 that indicates how much trust Google has in a domain name. A domain with a high DA means that Google considers the domain trustworthy and likely to convert. Higher DA domains are more valuable than lower DA domains.

4. PageRank

PageRank is a measure of the authority of a particular webpage. The higher the PR, the more authoritative the page. There are many factors that contribute to a page’s PR, including the amount of text, images, videos, and external links on the page.

5. Content Marketing

Content marketing is a strategic approach to building awareness about a brand, products, and services. Content marketing involves creating and distributing written, audio, video, and visual content across all forms of channels.

6. Social Media

Social media is a great way to connect with customers and promote your business. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube allow companies to create customer communities around their brands. These platforms give businesses a chance to interact with current and potential customers.

7. Website Speed

Speed matters! Users expect websites to load fast, especially on mobile devices where time is money. A slow website means lost sales and poor user experience. To test your site speed, visit

Read More : How to Double Your Google Adsense Earnings

Hurry Up!

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